July 6, 2021

Filing a Warranty Claim

After closing, your home’s limited warranty includes a complimentary 30-day and 11-month walkthrough. This walkthrough will be very similar to the New Home Orientation Walkthrough you did prior to closing. However, it is your responsibility to contact ProHome to schedule these walkthroughs. Additionally, you must have your list of non-emergency, warrantable claims ready at this time.  If you are not sure what is covered, please refer to your ProHome warranty book that you received at the time of contract, which includes all warrantable and non-warrantable items. If you did not receive a copy of the ProHome warranty book, please let your New Home Specialist know as soon as possible.

It’s easy to file a claim and schedule your warranty work! Just give ProHome a call at 800-899-2451!

If you are experiencing a warranty emergency, please call ProHome right away. They are available 24/7/365 to handle emergency claims.